How to Work as a Team 01/21/14

How to Work As a Team
01/21/14 (18  participants)
by Joe Tassinari

As a team we made discoveries which are presented here as findings. Findings are another way to capture information and communicate as a team.  You are welcome to use the “reply” section at the bottom of this post to place comments or ask questions. 

Objective: To become a better team member.


What makes a good team? For our team that day, here are some items we believe make up a good team:

Acceptance of others' ideas
Role understanding
Consideration of people's time and workloadhow to work as a team
Commitment then Follow Through
Focus on strengths of each individual

How can we improve as a team? For our team that day, here are some ways to improve:

Debrief: activities, team interaction and discover impact on team
Being supportive

What is working well? For our team that day, here are some things working well:

Positive intent with respect
Supportive with work and personal stuff
Strength through diversity

Agreements, 2 agreements we came up with:

  • Be proud of our work as a team
  • Acceptance

Goals for the day:

Love one another (by making it easy for others to be around us)
Have fun (enjoyment blossoms from safety)
Become a better team member (team begins with me)
… as a learning community. (wisdom through synergy)

{At day’s end it was a unanimous-thumbs-up for all goals and objective}

References mentioned during our workshop:

Positive Psychology 
5 Brain Learning Centers
TED Talk (Martin Seligman)
Workplace Enrichment

Reflecting the findings of meetings is another way to capture information and communicate with one another.

Lisa, Nyal, Amy S., Melanie, Ken, Christie, Jennifer, Chelsea, Grace, Chris, Nancy, Holly, Margo, Karen, Susan, Jason, Ella, Joe (Nicole, David, Amy W.)

Feel free to use the reply section below as a forum …

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